2017 Total Grants Awarded

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Grants Awarded in 2017

In 2017, the Colorado Springs Health Foundation’s Board of Trustees awarded the following grants:

Organization Name Project Name Amount Awarded Grant Length
Academy School District 20 Strengthening protective factors to build resiliency and prevent youth suicide in ASD20 $50,000.00 One year
Amblicab Amblicab’s Impact Expansion $25,000.00 One year
Amblicab Access to Health Care for those Facing Transportation Barriers $35,000.00 One year
Ascending to Health Respite Care General Operating $50,000.00 One year
Atlas Preparatory School Healthy Students, Healthy Choices $75,000.00 One year
Bright by Three Expanding Access To Care in El Paso County Through Bright by Text Localized Messaging $25,000.00 One year
Centro de la Familia Fortaleciendo Familias $40,000.00 One year
City of Manitou Springs Manitou Springs Creek Walk Trail Project $100,000.00 One year
Colorado Health Network, Inc. DBA Colorado AIDS Project Southern Colorado AIDS Project $39,000.00 One year
Colorado Springs Fire Department Community & Public Health Division Colorado Springs Fire Department Tiered Response Community Medicine (CMED) Unit $75,000.00 One year
Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Memorial Park Trail and Fitness Improvements $926,944.00 One year
Colorado Springs Therapeutic Riding Center Financial Support Fund $5,000.00 One year
Community Partnership Family Resource Center Program Support for our Healthy Living (HL) Programs held in partnership with local schools. $31,415.00 One year
Community Partnership for Child Development CPCD Behavioral Health Program $50,000.00 One year
Concrete Couch Helen Hunt Community Program $17,500.00 One year
Council of Neighbors & Organizations (CONO) Empowering the Panorama Park Neighborhood through Strategic Planning $20,000.00 One year
Dental Lifeline Network Colorado Colorado Donated Dental Services (DDS) Program $33,000.00 One year
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of Colorado Springs General Operating $5,000.00 One year
Downtown Ventures PikeCycle, a bike share program serving the greater Legacy Loop area $100,000.00 One year
Dream Centers of Colorado Springs General Operating Support for Dream Centers Women’s Clinic $50,000.00 One year
Early Connections Learning Centers Early Connections Learning Centers’ Behavioral Health Program $75,000.00 One year
El Paso County Widefield Community Park Improvements – Making Healthy Living Happen! $110,000.00 One year
Greccio Housing Greccio Housing Wellness Center $3,110.00 One year
Harrison District Two Physical Activity Initiative for HSD2 Elementary Schools $43,000.00 One year
Homeward Pikes Peak HPP Capacity Building $45,000.00 One year
Kids in Need of Dentistry KIND Colorado Springs Dental Clinic $20,000.00 One year
Kids on Bikes Bicycle Placemaking $25,000.00 One year
Kids on Bikes Bike Ambassador Program $45,000.00 One year
LA Raza Services Inc Promoting physical activity through community activation at Meadows Park $35,000.00 One year
LA Raza Services Inc Ventanilla de Salud (Windows to Health) Southeastern Colorado Springs $35,000.00 One year
Lutheran Social Services of Colorado dba Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains Refugee Health Navigator $59,854.00 One year
Mental Health Colorado Pikes Peak Regional Coordinator Position $30,000.00 One year
Mission Medical Center General Operating $50,000.00 One year
Pikes Peak Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc. Charity Care $50,000.00 One year
Project Angel Heart Medically tailored, home-delivered meals for critically ill Colorado Springs residents $45,000.00 One year
Prospect Home Care – Hospice GENERAL OPERATING $50,000.00 One year
Regis University Behavioral Healthcare Services for Couples, Children and Families $67,211.00 One year
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Southern Colorado Ronald McDonald Care Mobile – continuation of funding $15,000.00 One year
Safe Passage Expanding Access to Medical Exams for Abused Children $25,000.00 One year
Serenity Recovery Connection Face It TOGETHER, Colorado Springs Feasibility Study $45,000.00 One year
Special Kids Special Families Staff Training and Development: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Nutrition $10,000.00 One year
Springs Rescue Mission Resource Center $80,000.00 One year
StableStrides General Operating $20,000.00 One year
TESSA TESSA Clinical Program $60,000.00 One year
The Place General Operating $13,000.00 One year
The Trust for Public Land Colorado Springs Parks for People $90,000.00 One year
Trails and Open Space Coalition Biking Connections: Linking our community through bicycling and wayfinding programs. $25,000.00 One year
Tri-Lakes Cares TLC Capacity Building Request $10,024.00 One year
Tri-Lakes Cares Penrose-St. Francis Neighborhood Nurse Center Collaboration Consultation $1,900.00 One year
Tri-Lakes Cares Tri-Lakes Cares’ Neighborhood Nurse Center (NNC) and CATCH Clinic $28,000.00 One year
Tri-Lakes Cares Neighborhood Nurse Centers Helping Patients Access Care 2018 $37,000.00 One year
Ute Pass Regional Health Service District Mental Health Assessment Response Vehicle $52,751.00 One year
Total Awarded $3,053,709.00

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