September 2020

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This special funding opportunity will provide general operating support to approved applicants.

Organizations who meet all of the following criteria are welcome to apply:

The organization had annual operating expenses of $1.0 MM or less in the prior fiscal year;
The majority of the organization’s work is a tight fit with at least one of CSHF’s funding focus areas;
The majority of the organization’s clients/patients/people served reside in El Paso and/or Teller County, Colorado.

Important notes:

Applicant organizations do not need to schedule a pre-application call.
If the grant is awarded, it will not count towards CSHF’s “time out” rule
Funded partners with a current grant are eligible to apply.
Grants will be calculated, awarded and dispersed in December.
Awardees will not know the amount of the award until December. The amount could vary widely. The amount will be calculated based on the estimated amount of monies remaining relative to CSHF’s 2020 payout target. So, it is possible that awardees will receive very little if there is a small amount of money left to payout. For example, if we have $10K remaining and 40 awardees, each applicant receives only $250. We want you to be aware of this as you consider whether to invest the time and energy in the application process.
Grant Period: One year

Deadline: Thursday, October 8, 2020 at noon (mountain time)

The application may be found on-line.

Questions? Contact Cari or Jamie at [email protected]


Important Grantmaking Parameter Change Effective in 2022

Colorado Springs Health Foundation will change its grant time-out guidelines. Starting in 2022, a current funded partner may not submit another funding request until/unless it has spent down all grant funds and submitted and received approval on its final grant report. After these steps are completed, an organization will then be eligible to be considered as a future applicant.

As has been our ongoing practice, this time-out guideline will not apply to capacity-building/technical assistance requests. An organization may apply for and/or receive capacity-building/TA funding even if it is a current funded partner.

This guideline will replace the current one wherein organizations that received three years of continual funding, either in a multi-year or multiple single-year grants, would be required to take a two-year break before re-applying.

If you have any questions on the forthcoming time-out requirement, please contact CSHF staff: [email protected] or [email protected]


Nonprofit Finance Fund Individual Coaching Opportunity

Earlier in 2020, Colorado Springs Health Foundation hosted a learning session with Nonprofit Finance Fund on the topic of cash flow projections and scenario planning. As a follow-on to those sessions, CSHF has offered local health-related nonprofits the opportunity to work one-on-one with Nonprofit Finance Fund to further explore these key financial management topics. A couple of slots remain, and if you’re interested, please contact CSHF staff right away: [email protected] or [email protected]. The slots will be availed on a first come, first serve basis.

CSHF’s Mini-Grant Opportunities

Since June 2020, CSHF has awarded almost $140,000 in mini-grants out of a total of $150,000 designated for this special opportunity. Thus far, CSHF has received 32 technology mini-grant requests and awarded 26 grants totaling $120,232. CSHF also received seven consulting mini-grant requests and awarded all seven, totaling $17,500. At this point, the technology mini-grant opportunity is no longer available. The remaining dollars will be used for consulting mini-grant requests. Please see for more information.


Local Nonprofit Survey on the Impact and Implications of CV19

Recently, the Pikes Peak Community Foundation, in partnership with the Quad Innovation Partnership, Spur Philanthropy and RNR Foundation, conducted a survey: “The State of Nonprofits in the Pikes Peak Region.” The purpose of the survey was to provide local funders with a sense for the local nonprofit sector’s status since the arrival of COVID19. Here are some highlights from the findings:

72% of respondents have less than 12 months’ liquid, readily available, assets
Almost 70% of respondents have a budget of less than $1M
Top 5 Immediate Needs;
Financial support for new or unexpected services or expenses
Ability to acquire safety and Personal Protective Equipment
Providing appropriate technology
Ability to meet payroll
Ability to purchase supplies
38% of respondents expressed an interest in low- or no-interest loans

You can find a link to the final survey summary here. And if you have questions about the survey, please reach out to Mina Liebert, Director of Community Impact with Pikes Peak Community Foundation or Jake Eichengreen, Executive Director of Quad Innovation Partnership.


What We’re Reading or Listening to Now

Bryan Stevenson on The Ezra Klein Show (podcast) on what needs to happen to achieve racial healing.
PBS segment (7/27/20) on the 30-year anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Stamped, Jason Reynolds & Ibram X. Kendi. This is the young adult version of a history of racism in this country. Great for all ages.
An interactive piece on the disproportionate impact on CV19 on Hispanic/Latinx communities in Houston.
A New York Times article on why children of color are disproportionately affected by CV19.
An interactive New York Times piece on “How Decades of Racist Housing Policy Left Neighborhoods Sweltering.” This piece shows the intersectionality of policy, practice, history, income, wealth and health. A great lens into the social determinants of health in action.

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